Chickpea curry

I read this food blogger who says if you've got the blues, get yourself into the kitchen and start cooking. And eat a mango while you're at it. I've had a serious case of the blahs for a little over a week now, and I haven't been cooking nearly as much as I used to. I'm not saying the two of them are related, but I'm making a conscious effort to get back into the kitchen and make some good food. Tonight we started off on the right foot with marinated beef tenderloin, which Ernie grilled, skillet-fried potatoes and onions and roasted asparagus.
I've had my eye on some chickpea curry recipes for a while now, and none of them seemed quite right to me. So I took what I liked the best from each of them, and created my own. This should be a tasty lunch tomorrow, over some leftover rice.

1 can chickpeas (or two)
1/2 c. -1 c. chana dal (dried split peas)
1 can tomatoes (no salt added)
1 onion, diced
curry paste

I cooked the chana dal in water for about 30 minutes or so, until it was all softened. Then I drained and rinsed it off.
In the same pot, I sweated the onion in a little olive oil, and a few shakes of granulated garlic. Then I added the tomatoes, chickpeas (with the water in the can) and some curry paste (to taste).
I let it all simmer about 15 minutes, tasted and adjusted curry seasoning.


Unknown said…
I feel that I should comment that I did in fact eat this for lunch today, and if I'd had a whole vat of it, I'd have stuck my head right in.
So. Good.
gwen said…
Yum, I want to stick my head in that too! Sounds delicious.

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