Freezing cherry tomatoes

Did you know you can freeze cherry tomatoes? I just learned this helpful little fact. Just wash them, let them dry completely, pop them into zip-top bags or other containers and freeze. When you pull them out of the freezer (perhaps in the middle of winter when you can't get a decent-tasting tomato anywhere) they will break down fairly quickly, so they are good for making sauce or throwing into stews or casseroles. You won't be able to thaw them and then slice them or use them in any preparations where you want them to maintain their shape. One suggestion is to just slice the frozen tomatoes in half and toss into a pan to cook down into a sauce with some herbs, maybe a splash of balsamic, a little olive oil, etc. Great for topping pasta, chicken or fish.


Anonymous said…
I will give this a try........ i have a "foodsaver" that I got for a wedding present and now have been overwhelmed with veggies from our garden. Especially tomatoes. You can only give away so much of your hard work! I have made freezer sauces with Heriloom tomatoes which turn out fabulous!

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