Coconut curry mussels

I doubled this recipe, because 2 pounds of mussels did not look like enough for two people. It was. So now we have a bunch of extra mussels. Which isn't a bad thing, necessarily, because we pulled them all out of the shells and Ernie is going to eat them for lunch this week.
What I would do differently next time (and there will be a next time): I omitted the heat, and I would add it back. I think it really needs a little heat. Also, I eat this dish at our favorite Thai restaurant that is similar to this, and it's got egg in the curry sauce. Next time I'll add an egg to the sauce, before I add the mussels.
We ate this with rice, to soak up all the tasty sauce.

Adapted slightly from Simply Recipes

2 lbs of mussels, cleaned and debearded
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1 yellow onion, chopped (I used red, it's all I had in the house)
1 thai chili, finely chopped (can substitute good pinch of chili flakes)
3 teaspoons of ginger, minced
1 1/2 tablespoons of curry powder
1/2 cup of chicken broth
1 can of coconut milk
1 stalk of lemongrass, chopped into four pieces and smashed
3 kaffir lime leaves (optional)

Place mussels in a bowl of cold water so the mussels will spit out any sand or mud. Let them sit for 10 minutes. Drain and repeat. Toss any mussels that are open as these are dead. Debeard the mussels, pulling out their byssal threads (aka: their "beards") and place them in a bowl of cold water until ready to use.
Heat the oil in a pan and add the onion and stir for a few minutes until they become soft and slightly translucent. Add the chilies, ginger, and curry powder and stir for a minute until fragrant.
Add the chicken broth and reduce half. Add the coconut milk, salt, lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves if using and bring to a boil. Drain and add the mussels, reduce heat to medium and cover with a tight fitting lid. Cook for 6-7 minutes until the mussels open. Discard any that are closed as these were dead before cooking. (Some may only be slightly open, if you have to debate on whether it's good to eat or not, toss it.) Spoon mussels into bowls and pour over with broth.


gwen said…
So funny -- I was just coming here to add this recipe, because we made it for J's birthday on Friday! I also liked it very much (and we did have the heat, the Thai chili pepper the recipe called for, and it was good).

Did you find keffir lime leaves? Wegmans didn't have them and I would have liked to try them. The lemongrass was a delicious addition.
Laika said…
wow!i Love chilly!

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